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History of Some Strings Attached

James and Robert went to high school with Margaret. George and James are founding members of the First Desk Quartet, which Robert joined in 1992. George left the quartet to move to New Zealand for his wife Christie’s job, but obviously came back a few years ago. Christie is the backup flutist for the FDQ, and sings with Noted Vocals. Margaret sings at University of Dallas, and has been a fixture in Dallas clubs that appreciate classic songs.

Spurred by the offer of a drummer with a place to rehearse, James, Robert, and Margaret tried a drummer, two guitar players, and another cellist with no luck. When George became available, all the music fell into place so naturally everyone knew this was the band to carry old instruments and new songs out to the world.

“Great music with lots of amazing original pieces.”

Cheryl B.

New Songs

New music, written by James, sometimes with lyrics and melody by Margaret, form the musical backbone of the Some Strings Attached.

Cover Songs

Arranged by Robert, the cover songs range from old blues ballads from the 1930s to music you hear on the radio today. But played a bit differently.

Pocket, the musical kitten, enjoys rehearsal from inside the violin case.